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Help:User levels

From Agape Union
Revision as of 03:02, 6 March 2025 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Cách nhận Points thưởng)
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1/ Khánh tạo hướng dẫn cách tăng cấp độ của User levels: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SocialProfile/Technical_documentation

To enable user levels, add something like below into your wiki's settings:

require_once( "$IP/extensions/SocialProfile/UserStats/EditCount.php" ); // Necessary edit counter // The actual user level definitions -- key is simple: 'Level name' => points needed

$wgUserLevels = [

   'Recruit' => 0,
   'Agape' => 999,
   'Apprentice' => 1200,
   'Private' => 1750,
   'Corporal' => 2500,
   'Sergeant' => 5000,
   'Gunnery Sergeant' => 10000,
   'Lieutenant' => 20000,
   'Captain' => 35000,
   'Major' => 50000,
   'Lieutenant Commander' => 75000,
   'Commander' => 100000,
   'Colonel' => 150000,
   'Brigadier' => 250000,
   'Brigadier General' => 350000,
   'Major General' => 500000,
   'Lieutenant General' => 650000,
   'General' => 800000,
   'General of the Army' => 1000000,
   'Agape Union' => 10000000,


2/ Cách nhận Points thưởng: https://agapewiki.com/index.php/Special:SystemGiftManager

$wgUserStatsPointValues['edit'] = 10; // Points awarded on a mainspace edit $wgUserStatsPointValues['vote'] = 5; // Points awarded for voting for an article $wgUserStatsPointValues['comment'] = 3; // Points awarded for leaving a comment $wgUserStatsPointValues['comment_plus'] = 1; // Points awarded if your comment gets a thumbs up $wgUserStatsPointValues['comment_ignored'] = 1; // Points awarded if another user ignores your comments $wgUserStatsPointValues['opinions_created'] = 15; // Points awarded for writing a blog article $wgUserStatsPointValues['opinions_pub'] = 12; // Points awarded for having that article hit the "Blogs" page $wgUserStatsPointValues['referral_complete'] = 19; // Points awarded for recruiting a new user $wgUserStatsPointValues['friend'] = 9; // Points awarded for adding a friend $wgUserStatsPointValues['foe'] = 8; // Points awarded for adding a foe $wgUserStatsPointValues['gift_rec'] = 7; // Points awarded for receiving a gift $wgUserStatsPointValues['gift_sent'] = 11; // Points awarded for giving a gift $wgUserStatsPointValues['points_winner_weekly'] = 7; // Points awarded for having the most points for a week $wgUserStatsPointValues['points_winner_monthly'] = 30; // Points awarded for having the most points for a month $wgUserStatsPointValues['user_image'] = 999; // Points awarded for adding your first avatar $wgUserStatsPointValues['poll_vote'] = 2; // Points awarded for taking a poll $wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_points'] = 6; // Points awarded for answering a quiz question $wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_created'] = 16; // Points awarded for creating a quiz question $wgUserStatsPointValues['upload'] = 15; // Tải lên một tệp được 15 điểm $wgNamespacesForEditPoints = [ 0 ]; // Array of namespaces that can earn you points. Use numerical keys. Default is 0 -- only main namespace edits can earn a user points.